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Week 4 Extra Credit Discussion

Week 4 Extra Credit Discussion

Q Extra Credit (50 points) : Fyre Festival (watch and reflect) To earn extra credit (up to 100 points) watch both versions of the Fyre Festival, Netflix and Hulu and reflect. 1 Reflection should include, but not be limited to: (80 points) • Which version did you prefer and why? • What do you think contributed to the differences? • What was the most shocking/unbelievable thing that occurred? • What business lessons did you take away from the outcome of the Fyre Festival? 2 Peer Responses could include, but not limited to: (10 points each - maximum 20 points) • Similarities/differences in preferred version/ • Similarities/differences on shocking/unbelievable events • similarities/differences in key take away(s)

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1.) I 100% enjoy the Netflix one way better. I think the Netflix one just shows way more entertaining footage of the events at the festival instead of Hulu where there is just a lot of interviewing and there is nothing wrong with that, it’s just not what I preferred. I was really hooked with the Netflix one. 2.) I think like I said in number 1 that the Hulu version did more interviewing, and they tried to get to more close people with people like for example his girlfriend, and they actually interviewed Billy himself. So I feel like Hulu had more personal person by person information than the Netflix version did.